Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I tell if Manitou Movie School would make a good fit?
A: The first thing to do is take a good look around this website and get a good sense of what we're all about, our vision and mission, our general approach, and the types of courses we offer. Consider that we are an alternative to the traditional approach to education. If you like structure and order, grade or GPA-inclined. and looking for a fully accredited established school, then Manitou Movie School is very likely not for you. But still, you never know, you can always take a class to find out.
Q: Is Manitou Movie School a fully accredited?
A: We are not accredited with any outside agency or institution, and more than likely we will keep it that way to maintain our independence and creative freedom.
Q: If you are not accredited, how do I know my money, effort, and credit gained at Manitou Movie School will be worth anything, or mean anything to future employers or other schools?
A: While we think most of our learners will find attendance here to have its own intrinsic rewards beyond credits and grades, your self-made portfolio will offer demonstrable proof of your talents, skills, ability to get the job done and work with others in creating practical/tangible products.
Q: When will Manitou Movie School start offering more courses?
A: As a pilot project with an organic take on growth, we are letting things evolve slowly and develop in due time. Many of our courses will be ready to go by Fall 2015 and only need sufficient students to sign-up (this is the case with our current MDBS offerings for instance). Other courses require that the school develop a bit further before they can be offered (such as our IDBS courses). However, we hope that most or all of our courses will be offered by Phase III of this pilot project in 2017.
What other questions do you have? Please