Manitou Movie School
Doc's Desk
Mind-Based Reality and Holography
WAKE 'n' BAKE Semiotics & Playfulness
Addiction: BAD + GOOD = BETTER
From Cross to Caduceus: Visualizing the Evolving Christ
The Philosopher's Stone as an 8-Sided Gem
YANG = Stoned Self
YIN = Sober Self
Majoring in Global Culture, Mythology, and Big History
Minoring in philosophy, architecture, semiotics, and a bit of everything else
A Reverse Reggio: Dialogue First & Fore
Colorado 2033: Envisioning the World We Wish to Live In
Two People, Four Minds: Dual Brain Psychology and Six Connections of Understanding
Beginner's Mind
Day-to-Day Improvisational Living and Doc's Wake 'n' Bake Technique to Start the Day Right: An Ongoing Empirical Study in New Mentality 
a day at a time
YouTube Dreams