Explore Your Self - Explore Your World
An Extended Investigation and Experiment in Higher Education
Objective: Over the course of 13 years and three test phases (1 year, 2-4 years, and 5-13 years) initiate full implementation of Manitou Movie School along with all its various methods, perspectives, approaches and overall philosophy of life in general and education in particular, especially as described at cannabisfitness.com, which details the starting point and basic methodology for this extended investigation and experiment in higher education.
Most generally, this investigation/experiment includes the method of cinema-based education, application of cannabis fitness, and the intention of evolving/expanding/maturing consciousness and the operation of mind, especially as directed by our core reading material as found here. Beyond implementation of Manitou Movie School, objectives for this long-term study include the co-creation of a number student/participant projects as indicated herein, foremost the realization of the Colorado Center for Creative Studies and its business arm 3CSolutions Consulting, LLC.
In addition to student/participants, I hope to enlist advisors and sponsors for this study, including support from at least one academic institution.