Field Notes

various thoughts, findings, meditations, reflections, and spontaneous musings...
2020 to 2033: Thirteen Projects in Thirteen Years

In no particular order or deadline other than that stated above, the general intention and dream is to manifest, complete, and/or put into actual practice, the following projects throughout this duration of 13 years...thus, the start and deadline given, we got our first parameters for the experiment and exploration defined, the length of our mission as it were. As for our thirteen projects or tangible objectives and markers of mission success, here is our near complete list, somewhat subject to change and open to some addition, but this is basically it, the goals we seek to realize in this 13 year mission...

1.  Manitou Movie School...(including creation of YouTube channels and movie production)
2.  the Colorado Center for Creative Studies...(including creation/activation of departments)
3.  the Global Cannabis Education Project...(including assessment of Cannabis-Mars question)
4.  Motion Pictures as Global Connectors Initiative...(bridge building with diverse "outside" groups)
5.  Turning Philosophy into Play with Raphael's School of Athens...(and other productions)
6.  Implement all "Coming Attractions"...(and other courses)
7.  Cannabis Fitness Olympics (to occur 2021, 2025, 2029, 2033...)
8.  Bedtime Stories with Doctor Greenwich (the graphic novel comic)
​9.  Pueblo Community 2033 (a test case of the collective vision quest)
10. 3CS Consulting, LLC
11. Qatsi 2033 (working title for the final of my trilogy along the lines Reggio's series) 
12. "Far Out" (magazine and school catalog/bulletin)
13.  ?

Now that both websites are essentially complete and ready for public viewing and consideration, next month (March 2020), I will "officially" begin getting the word out for crew recruitment and selection. Pueblo Library will serve as my initial home base..will continue throughout first part of year, will be down there every other weekend at least...

Three basic categories or classes of crew members;

1. Engaged Participants = Active Explorers = Players
2. Unengaged Participants = Passive Explorers = Spectators
3. Transitional Participants = Sideline Explorers = the middle group, moving on or off the field so to speak, ready to enlist or retire as it were...

Then we might add a fourth category of crew members, the "13er" class, those who to some extent travel and occupy all three categories or classes, coaches and assistants on the sidelines for instance, along with medics and counselors. So too the 13er class consists of scouts and analysts in the stands, watching the action from as distance so as the gain a broader more objective perspective. Thus 13ers are more nomadic and experienced, having passed the initial criteria of selection, that is completing dialogic orientation and certification...
Am I exceeding my reach in the above objectives and plans? Would such ambition tie me down or overwhelm, or serve to block or hinder my vision of other/better/more suitable paths and plans that might await if I leave the future completely open and allow the infinite potential of creation to simply unfold before me? 

Indeed, I would rather do both, set this basic intention for richer living, allowing continued growth and development as my current trajectory would have it, suggest this plan with nothing set in stone, remaining open and flexible to changing needs, conditions, and revelations all along the way...

A few tidbits from my morning reading:

"In the achievement of a small economic goal...the technical effort became secondary to the pleasure of gathering together. 'Formerly, when a New England family convoked a 'bee' (that is, a meeting for working in common), it was for all concerned one of the most pleasurable times of year. The work was scarcely more than a pretext for coming together.' The activity of sustaining social relations and human contacts predominated over the technical scheme of things and the obligation to work..." (The Technological Society,1964, p. 65, Jacques Ellul)

"This is a time to find nonpolarizing nonpejorative words to describe new and different choices and experiences. The most profound shift will occur in the way you operate--the way you think--and you will discover that you do not need to "work." Rather, you need to be playful...If you are not having fun, then you cannot stay in 5D, as it is a joyful place! Allow yourself to release attachments, expectations, and judgements so you can stay in 5D." (Waking Up in 5D: A Practical Guide to Multidimensional Transformation, 2017, p. 79-80, Maureen J. St. Germain)

"The idea that we must take a position in order to get our view across is seemingly built into our culture. This is the essence of "good debate." [Yet] it greatly limits the potential intelligence and inquiry we might obtain from a conversation--particularly one with tough issues...thinking positionally polarizes...genuine probing asks us to suspend polarizing our differences and look for what exists between the extremes...Suspension is also the art of trying to see people in a different light...Sometimes the change occurs because you put on new glasses and not because the world outside of you changes all that much. You can learn to see things that were there all the time but were overlooked by you...there are aspects of all of us in each of us: I am in the world, and the world is in me...What is needed today...a process of dialogue that can help individuals experience firsthand the degree to which the world is in them and how responsible they are for their experience...we share much more than we might realize or care to admit; we share a common ecology or network of thought." (Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together, 1999, p. 150-153, William Isaacs) 

" the field of physics itself, the scientists who are pushing the study of science furthest incline to believe we cannot reason about the parts as we reason about the whole..." (Creative Evolution, 1911, p. 368, Henri Bergson)
Doc's formula #13 relates to the creative process or procedure or technique of getting from point A to point B, that is, the HOW of going from where you/we Are to where you/we wish or intend to Be.

In the formula 1 + 3 = 13, the "1" equates to the intention or vision of Point B, while the "3" equates to the steps along the way, which present accordingly upon setting the intention or vision. Here we have an iteration process in accord with chaos theory, today's science of the creative process. 

As for the 13, perhaps this represents the duration of the process, not just a time interval of getting from A to B, but the movement and development of the whole unit throughout this interval, its growth and maturation from conception to final result, that is, in human terms, from zygote to mature adult.

How does this process work? Explanation through strict physical materialism and biochemical mechanism does not suffice. It appears mind must be added to the operation of Nature as a whole no less than mind operates in our own lives. This metaphysics says a "field of awareness and intelligence" precedes and surrounds the operation from beginning to end, as if occupying, indeed comprising and permeating, the void or space in which the operation births and develops. 

In this view, getting from point A to point B, from seed to tree, the seed contains the potential of the physical result, it has the information (enfolded, per Bohm) in it, but can go nowhere and do nothing without its surrounding environment, which activates, informs, and guides the seed and tree throughout its growth, development, and maturation. 

In the conventional view, Mind is seen only in the object or organism of the process (and only at the end of the process at that). But in this view, Mind exists throughout the process, both within and without the organism, a field of awareness-intelligence surrounding and infusing the process in space-time, as if the duration itself, the growth of the whole shebang, seed and soil...DNA, water, and mineral...the potential of the tree in the DNA brought into being by its surroundings...blueprint to product, information to manifestation through ground and atmosphere...the embryo in the womb, the baby in the environment...growth and development directed by the interaction and exchange between the within of the organism and the without if its environment.

How might we see Mind most tangibly operating in this process...wherever there is a boundary layer between the within and the without, Awareness-Intelligence must exist as it is here important decisions must be made; to turn on or off genes for instance, or...should the single cell move right or left...should the muscle cell relax or contract...should the organism jump or duck...all actions made in an instant in response to the environment...from thought to action in a single unified movement, however many steps are seen in between when put under microscopic analysis and dissection, too many to fully count...and yet, a single continuous movement is what we get, a whole response in a unified instant. 

Whether we are talking about a tree or a human or the entire cosmos itself, is there really any difference in this creative process of conception to maturation, of going from point A to point B?

Thus in this case of going from our point A in 2020 to our point B in 2033, we've defined the basic parameters and methodology: 13 intentions/visions taken in small steps over a duration of 13 years.