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Kong '76 and Tron: Legacy
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​Created for film fans with very specific and/or discerning tastes, "joining" one or more of our Manitou Movie School clubs is a great way to connect with others who share your particular movie passions and interests. No homework, huge commitment, or tight agenda here, these clubs are all about getting together with folks of like mind and having a good time.

So check-out the offerings below and see what suits your fancy. Then give a call and get involved! It's a great way to beat the ol' routine or spice-up the usual mix! 
Foundations of Cannabis Fitness: A Study in Epistemology from Fact to Theory
Materializing the Graphic Novel: From Script to Final Product

Turning Philosophy into Play: A Study in Raphael's "Academy"

Making Your Own Movie: A Taste of The Hero's Journey
History of the Sixties on Film

Big History on the Big Screen

A Twentieth Century Documentary Potpourri

A History of Humanity in the Movie 
Movies, Marijuana, and Mind: An Exploration of the Thirteenth Configuration
Cinema-Yoga International

B-Movie Mania and Cult Classic Theatre

Space Freaks and Science Fiction Geeks

Cinema Italiano: Neorealism and Beyond

The Great Western Frontier: In Fiction, In Fact, In Myth

The Stoner Flick: A Study in Indentity, Culture, and Laughter
Saturday August 8th @ 8:00 pm
Come check-out Tron: Legacy on the big screen as we continue an exploration of "narrative extension"; that is, taking the story in the movie and expanding upon it in some way (as would be done in creating a sequel, prequel, etc.). Yes, there's a small homework assignment with this one, but it's easy and fun! 
Saturday August 22nd @ 8:00 pm
Recently claimed as the best of the three versions of King Kong, this 1976 classic is worth another look. No homework here, just a short introduction covering the merits of this version and, for the hardcore film aficionado who has what it takes to stay up late, a post-viewing discussion.
Currently seeking co-instructors/facilitators to help start and implement the following courses. If you have certain experience/expertise with cannabis, graphic art and drawing, stage play creation/direction, movie making/editing, etc., give a call here and let's explore creating a course together. 
The following courses are in the works as Manitou Movie School continues to grow and gain support.
And for folks who still enjoy a good story read out-loud, join us for this special story-time gathering...
Love Songs of Middle-Time by C. H. Rockey...........meets 1st Tuesday of each month, 7pm 
To see other current and potential book club offerings at Manitou Movie School click here!