CCBS 420 Foundations of Cannabis Fitness: A Study in Epistemology from Fact to Theory
MDBS 140 Materializing the Graphic Novel: From Script to Final Product
MDBS 240 Turning Philosophy into Play: A Study in Raphael's "Academy"
MDBS 340 Making Your Own Movie: A Taste of The Hero's Journey
IDBS 110 History of the Sixties on Film
IDBS 210 Big History on the Big Screen
IDBS 310 A Twentieth Century Documentary Potpourri
IDBS 410 A History of Humanity in the Movie
May-Daze Monkey-Madness Triple-Feature Spectacular!
TDBS 100 Dean's Choice: From Cosmogenesis to Bi-Hemispheric Resonance
TDBS 499 Movies, Marijuana, and Mind: An Exploration of the Thirteenth Configuration
As Manitou Movie School progresses the courses below (and more) will be added to the curriculum. For more information on the meaning of particular prefixes, including how courses are categorized, click the appropriate buttons on the right side of this frame or begin here.
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NDBS 113 From Puppet to Gorilla Suit to CGI...
Which Kong is King, and Why?
Appropriately, our first class explores that philosophical realm known as aesthetics, the study of beauty, a consideration of what is pleasing to the reason...and to good taste.
Which of the three filmic versions of King Kong exhibits the best aesthetic? In asking this question we might consider special effects and which Kong is the better representation of this giant ape-character we imagine. Then there is the film itself, its actors and characters, its story and presentation, and how its telling affects our sense of what's pleasing.
Hey you...yeah, 'bout joining us at Manitou Movie School for our May grand-opening and special presentation of the greatest beauty-and-the-beast love story ever told on film!
CCBS 101 Basics of Cannabis Consumption: A Little Guidance from a Pharmacist
NDBS 252 B-Movie Mania and Cult Classic Theatre
NDBS 265 Cinema-Yoga International
NDBS 326 Space Freaks and Science Fiction Geeks
NDBS 413 Cinema Italiano: Neorealism and Beyond
The following courses meet once monthly upon reaching class size minimum
NDBS 101 The Stoner Flick: A Study in Identity, Culture, and Laughter
NDBS 139 The Great Western Frontier: In Fiction, In Fact, In Myth
CCBS 220 Cannabis and Psychotherapeutics: Putting Theory into Practice
Finally, we might consider our own position in time-space, the context of our environment, and how this might affect our perception and aesthetic sense. What's
Offered first Saturday of each month @ 1:00 pm* Cost: Free
* Holidays excluded. Space is limited and courses are offered through reservation only, so please contact us first, or better yet call 719-440-5053 for reservations and questions.
Offered first Saturday of each month @ 3:00 pm* Cost: $25
The following MDBS courses are geared to collegiate-age adults and artists and may be offered as early as Fall 2015 depending on participant interest: