Course Registration
Manitou Movie School intends to make your educational experience as fun and rewarding as possible. So too, registration should be easy, right?

For the moment at least, we are dispensing with official forms and simply requesting that you "Contact Us" and forward the following information:

1. Name

2. Address and Phone Number

3. Age (must be at least 18 years of age)

4. Education Level (must be high school graduate or have GED/equivalent)

5. Give the prefix, number and title of course you would like to take (e.g. NDBS 100   A Saturday Night Movie Sampler: Finding and Developing Your Filmic Tastes), along with the date and time of its offering.

6. Write one or two paragraphs explaining why you would like to attend Manitou Movie School and why you are interested in taking the selected course.

7. State that you have read, understand and agree to the terms and conditions of attending Manitou Move School listed below.
In registering for and taking classes at Manitou Movie School I understand that I am here to learn and participate in whatever course I may be taking. Also:

I understand that Manitou Movie School provides a safe and comfortable space for the free and civil exchange of ideas and educational pursuit. While disagreement and potentially emotion-laden discussions are part of the learning process, I understand that personal attacks, general assaults, and violence of any kind is not tolerated in the classrooms of Manitou Movie School. Any extreme anger issues or emotional/psychological problems are expected to be addressed outside this school via counseling, therapy, or other suitable modalities. I understand that while Manitou Movie School seeks to prevent drug-related problems, it is not a rehabilitation clinic or addiction treatment facility. 

I understand that consumption of cannabis, or any other mind-altering substance, is prohibited in the classrooms of Manitou Movie School. While medicinal use and therapeutic levels of cannabis are condoned to maintain positive physical/mental outcomes, intoxication or other symptoms/conditions not amenable to learning and attention are forbidden in the classrooms of Manitou Movie School.

I am an adult 18 years of age or older and I accept full responsibility concerning my personal decisions regarding cannabis and its use. Manitou Movie School will not be held liable for any disrespectful treatment of the cannabis plant or irresponsible behavior in general. 

I have read and understand this statement, as well as the vision and mission of Manitou Movie School, and agree to abide by its terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions
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